Exchange students
There are several advantages in being an exchange student. Your stay in Sweden is arranged, and often includes a “package” of suitable courses, credit transfer agreements, accommodation, orientation and social activities.
The largest exchange scheme is the Erasmus programme, which aims to promote the mobility of students and teachers in Europe. The following countries are participating members: the 25 member states of the European Union; the three EEA countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and two associated countries: Romania and Bulgaria.
As an Erasmus exchange student you can spend between three months and a full academic year abroad. Some 40 Swedish universities are involved in the program; you get academic recognition at your home university for the studies you complete in Sweden.
To participate in the Erasmus programme you must satisfy the following requirements:
You are a student and enrolled in a formal program of study at university level leading to a degree or diploma (including doctoral level) in one of the participating countries
You are a citizen of one the participating countries (or are recognized as having the official status of refugee, stateless person or permanent resident).
You have completed at least the first year of your university studies.
There are a certain number of places and grants available at each host university. These are awarded after a selection process organized by the student’s home university. For further information please see the official EU website.
You will need to have your grades translated into English or – at some universities – another major European language. Most universities and university colleges will accept translations by an authorized translator. You should contact the institutions directly for their exact requirements.
Other programs
Student exchange is also supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers (the Nordplus Programme) and a number of national programs. The Linnaeus-Palme programme is a Swedish scheme which supports student and teacher exchange with institutions in countries outside the OECD.
For further information please contact the international desk at your university. They will be able to tell you whether your university is a partner in any of the above programs and how to apply.
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